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World Championships 2018 started with Big Bore Rifle Hunter , results here.

Some photos from range:


Wold Shoot entry form here!
Fill and send form at the lastest 31.3.

World Shoot 2018 official pages Here!
Check out dates and fill entry form immediately!

Savonlinna SpringMatch held at Lumtislampi range 1.4.-2.4.
Weather was nice for shooting and range was in excellent shape, thanks to hosting club SMAS!
Photos of match is found from this link.


Metallic silhouette shooting

The origin of silhouette shooting dates back to beginning of the 20th century in Mexico. Silhouette shooting started in Finland at 1983 and at 1986 silhouette shooters joined to the Finnish Shooting Sport Federation. Targets are steel targets that must fall over. Pistol shooting distances are 25-200 meters and rifle distances are 40-500 meters. Every shooter has classified in different skill classes so every shooter can compete of class victory against same skilled shooters.

Finland is one of the founder members of the "Association Européenne de Tir sur Silhouettes Métalliques" AETSM (formed in 1989) and the "International Metallic Silhouette Shooting Union" IMSSU (formed in 1992). Finland is one of the top countries in the silhouette shooting.

There are approximately 1000 silhouette shooters in Finland, which about 200 are active competition shooters. Finland has won many World and European Championships medals (342 medals beginning of the 1993).

Silhouette shooting test.

This game test your skills in Silhouette shooting.
If you can knock all targets down, you might have potential to became true Silhouette shooter.

Remember the correct sight picture.
Aim so that the chicken is just above sights.

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